24th October 2024
Week 4 – Scenius
Migraine - may need to watch back and make more notes
Visiting artist ill – will be rescheduled
Essay 3000-4000 words
Send image to Jonathan by next Tuesday for him to make the notjustashop image the same way
Write in pencil on paper and scan in for Jonathan to add: Title, Name, 1/10 2/10 3/10
Jonathan will drop it onto a3 page in photoshop and add border
Also create a 100 pixels on longest side image for notjustashop that he’ll send on Wednesday to upload at following link:
Somerset, hannermuler all good brands of paper for printing
Merge layers and export to tiff in procreate:
3 Minute Video
Summarise where you have got to do far for someone to watch and give feedback on as well be watching them on the 28th in groups
It is a summary of your blog, like the abstract of your paper
Gives insight into yourself
Curate the blog still for Unit 2
Questions – with George, Bethany and Holly
Where do ideas come from?
Where do your ideas come from?
What do they look like?
Hey guys heads v fuzzy eyes hurt but been trying jot important info on notes on phone while listening.
In a group with Holly, George and Bethany. Same as George I have to take things in visually but with adhd I have to note it down to process understand and remember it. But I’m terrible at noting down any ideas I just try remember them and I guess if I can’t remember they weren’t good enough. Same with blog in first year did a lot of reflective writing that wasn’t in the moment on what was thinking. Bethany raised question of if you’re not responding in moment while feeling is it the same as not gonna be same idea you were imagining while in front of the inspiration.
I’ve been laid up after having double mastectomy last month and not been able to sit at computer comfortably or hand write. Jonathan’s advice was to voice record notes or talk to myself on zoom. So been trying to make constant voice notes on phone in the moment what I’m thinking and why added a change to look back on and write up properly. So not forgetting key thoughts that shaped the work as I made it.
My ideas come from my real life experiences at least contextually currently working on two tube map designs like London Underground. One of NHS Leeds gender services care pathway step by step what happens from when you are referred to them versus my own map of having to go private and being removed from waitlist without warning.
As my work is so life based I’m concerned what I’ll do when life stops throwing roadblocks at my journey and how my practice might change and whether for better or worse
Brian Eno - Musician
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ54XYbN1NY
Great ideas created by individuals, but generated by communities
Process of genius in art, drawing from a scenius the creative intelligence of a community
The understanding that all people are born unequal, everyone has unique talents and gifts
Intelligence is generated by communities, biggest obstacle is people have to earn a living
Scenius – cooperative intelligence
Cooperative intelligence, multiple people and dialogue happening
Don’t get a job!! Doesn’t mean try not to do anything, but leave yourself in position of you’re able to do the things you want to do with your time
Universal Basic Income
Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ54XYbN1NY
Economic crisis + covid pandemic will mean many more people will die
Ecological crisis, fear of existence, change our growth model and have more sustainable respect
More time doing care work, our sense of localism and slowing down that’ll allow new forms of collective action go spring up
These debates raise fundamental questions about the status of artists as workers, and about the value of artistic labour. There is a cultural acceptance that the work of artists is different in essence than the work of other professionals, but it is harder to pin down what, exactly, constitutes that difference. Being an artist is widely perceived as a matter of choice and a question of privilege, rather than one of sacrifice that merits financial reward.
As Russell Martin, an artist and the director of Artquest said:
"there seems to be an idea that if you enjoy your work [as an artist] you shouldn't get paid for it.' This perception exists even within the industry: an established curator who has worked in the field for several decades once told me, 'I don't know why artists insist on demanding to be paid. They don't have to be artists.’”
Full article: https://www.frieze.com/article/basic-income-four-day-week-how-new-economic-ideas-could-change-art-world
On the artwork: https://artquest.org.uk/project/art-work/
Questions – with Holly, George and Bethany
Where do ideas come from?
Where do your ideas come from?
What do they look like?
In light of ‘scenius’ and ideas like Universal Basic Income – does your thinking change?
More likely to form more meaningful connections by looking at what makes us different as more interesting instead, disrupting our ecochambers and forming communities outside of our immediate perspective view
We adapt our ideas and practice to our environment as to what’s possible, Holly's work being online fits perfectly at the moment but at same time doesn’t mean she’d not like to have the space for making work that has a permanent physical form rather than digital? If that makes sense and being inspired by past works surrounding you. But Covid and finance makes for having the studio space to create physical works harder.
I had to adapt my practice from big installations to digital works when pandemic hit mid-undergrad so didn’t appear less than as not as impactful through the screen. Now feel like having to undo the idea that my practice became on a computer only and to make physical work again but still while considering the finance of that, available space, time, and not doing it this side of Xmas while healing but planning for it